Back Injection
Back Pain Treatment by Injection in Paris
Back pain?
Anatomically speaking, the back is the posterior surface of the human body, with a complex anatomical structure of which the spinal column is a central element. Located between the shoulders and the buttocks, the back is made up of 24 main vertebrae (12 dorsal, 7 cervical and 5 lumbar), connected by ligaments and muscles.
A back pain is an umbrella term for different types of pain. Considered "the disease of the century", 8 out of 10 people suffer from back pain.
There are three main causes of pain:
-Constitutional: muscular insufficiency or pathological damage such as scoliosis (spinal deformity);
-Physiological: pregnancy, for example;
-Mechanical: poor posture, long car journey...
Back pain is a very frequent reason for medical consultations. While in most cases, the pain disappears within a few days with a little rest and painkillers, or other treatments (massage, acupuncture), some cases require medical consultation and appropriate treatment, such as back injection.
What is Back Pain Treatment?
Back Pain Treatment involves injecting a corticosteroid-based medication into the affected area, acting in contact with a lesion to block pain transmission and reduce inflammation. Infiltrations are therefore intended to relieve back pain temporarily, but will not permanently treat spinal inflammation or herniated discs.
Back pain is often caused by increasing wear and tear on the intervertebral discs and joints of the spine. In some cases, spinal infiltration offers a highly effective alternative to surgical procedures.
No special preparation is required for dorsal injection.
What is spinal injection?
In the case of the spinal column, for example, in the case of low back pain or lumbosciatica, this involves the local administration of a drug by injection to act in contact with a lesion. Treatment applied within the perimeter of the lesions or in their immediate vicinity will have a more optimal therapeutic action than general treatment.
Treatment applied directly to lesions or in their immediate vicinity will be more effective than systemic therapy.
How is back injection performed?
Our radiologists are experts in the practice of injection. This medical procedure takes 10 minutes.
You will lie on your back. This procedure sometimes requires a local anaesthetic.
Under radiological control, the radiologist inserts the needle into the site chosen for infiltration. He injects a contrast medium and takes an X-ray to ensure the needle is in the right position, then administers the medication.
What are the side effects of back infiltration?
Back infiltrations can have several side effects. Firstly, it's common to experience a temporary increase in pain before the steroid medication starts to work. In addition, there may be tenderness or bruising at the injection site.
If your doctor uses fluoroscopy to guide the injection, you will be exposed to a low level of radiation from X-rays. This exposure can be harmful to a developing fetus, so it's crucial to inform your healthcare professional if you are pregnant or could become pregnant before proceeding with the procedure.
Diabetic patients should also be cautious, as an epidural steroid injection can lead to hyperglycemia, which can last for several hours or even days. In addition, for glaucoma sufferers, this injection may temporarily increase blood pressure and eye pressure.
How long does it take for back infiltration to be effective?
In terms of the time it takes for lumbar epidural injections to become effective, pain may worsen for two to three days before improving. In general, the effects of the injections begin to be felt between two and seven days after the procedure, offering relief that may last several days or even months.
What causes back pain?
Back pain can have several etiologies. When the pain is felt in the middle of the back, it's called dorsalgia. When the pain reaches the lower back, it's called lumbago. Back pain can also cause pain in the sacrum or buttocks. In some cases, it is accompanied by pain in the leg: this is known as sciatica.
There are three main types of pain: cervicalgia, dorsalgia and lumbago.
How can I prevent back pain?
To prevent back pain, a few relatively simple precautions can be taken:
- A sedentary lifestyle is at the root of most back pain. Any physical activity is good for building back muscles and strong abdominal muscles, at any age;
- Adopt correct posture when working, keeping your back straight;
- Don't sit all the time: short but regular breaks are beneficial;
- Avoid carrying heavy loads as close to the body as possible;
- Avoid twisting the spine;
- Sleep on your side and avoid sleeping on your stomach;
- Practice relaxation techniques to relieve anxiety;
- Avoid being overweight.
Back Pain Treatment Appointment
Make an appointment for a PRP Injection at our centers:
Bachaumont Radiology 75002
Clinique Drouot 75009
What types of Back Pain Treatment are there?
Depending on the type of pain, different types of Back Pain Treatment can be used to relieve back pain:
Facet or facet joint injection
In facet Injection, which aims to relieve inflammation and pain arising from the facet joints, the doctor injects the mixture of active ingredients into the small joints where the bony processes of the vertebral arches overlap. As the "cushioning effect" of the intervertebral discs diminishes over the course of a lifetime, the natural spaces between the vertebral joints are reduced. This leads to increasing wear and tear on the facet joints, and ultimately to back pain.
Epidural Injection
With epidural Injection, drugs are infiltrated into the epidural space (also known as the epidural space). This is located between the outer and inner layers of the spinal dura mater and contains the spinal nerves and their roots. By using this common space, the doctor can treat pain caused by several nerves at the same time.
Peri-radicular Injection
With peri-radicular Injection, the radiologist specifically numbs individual nerves by injecting it directly around their roots.
Sacroiliac Injection of the ISG
The sacroiliac joint (ISG) - the connection between the sacrum (Os sacrum) and the ilium (Os ilium, colloquially "pelvic scapula") - can be responsible for back pain. Blockages or inflammations are generally at the root of what is known as ISG syndrome. With ISG Injection, the mixture of anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving active ingredients is injected into the ligaments or directly into the joint space.
When is Lower Back Pain Treatment necessary?
Back Injections are considered in cases of persistent, incapacitating back pain that has not responded to treatment for at least six weeks. So don't hesitate to consult your doctor.
The most common indications for Back Injection are :
- back pain
- degenerative diseases of the spine (wear and tear)
- disc herniation (prolapse) or bulging (protrusion)
- facet syndrome
- lumboschialgia
- spinal stenosis
- ISG blockages
Last update: November 1, 2024
Controlled by Dr Laurence Bellaiche