Cerebral MRI or MRI of the brain

L’IRM cérébrale au sein du pôle neurologie IMPC

What is a brain MRI?

Brain MRI, also known as MRI of the brain or MRI of the skull, is the most powerful imaging test for exploring the brain and its structures. It can detect abnormalities in brain organs and other parts of the human body, down to the smallest detail, and identify their causes. Thanks to a technology based on magnetic resonance imaging, this examination produces detailed images of the different areas of the brain, including white matter, gray matter, ventricles and blood vessels, notably arteries and veins.

For better visualization, a contrast medium, usually injected intravenously, can be used. This medium improves the detection of pathologies such as tumors, lesions or vascular malformations. Unlike X-rays, MRI relies on a powerful magnetic field and radio waves, offering a precise, non-invasive view of internal structures.

This examination provides a clear and comprehensive view of one of the body's most complex organs. In many cases, it offers crucial information that cannot be obtained with other imaging techniques, such as X-ray, ultrasound or CT scan. MRI is also used in medical imaging departments to analyze the interactions between different structures in the body.

What does a brain MRI show?

A brain MRI provides a detailed examination of blood flow and brain tissue health. It provides an in-depth view of the following structures:

  • Brain This area is responsible for many essential functions such as movement, body temperature, touch, vision, hearing, reasoning, emotions and learning. The images obtained can be used to detect pathologies such as tumors, lesions or neurovascular anomalies.
  • Brain stem MRI: Located in the center of the brain, the brainstem plays a key role in vital functions such as eye and mouth movements, consciousness, cardiac function and involuntary muscle movements. An MRI can detect abnormalities such as hemorrhages, tumors or neurodegenerative pathologies.
  • Cerebellum : Located at the back of the brain, the cerebellum coordinates voluntary movements, maintains posture and balances the human body. Abnormalities in this region, such as lesions or malformations, can be clearly identified using MRI imaging.

      Why order an MRI of the skull?

      A brain MRI is prescribed to evaluate various symptoms or abnormalities that can affect the brain. It is particularly useful for determining whether the patient has suffered damage following a stroke or head injury. It is also used to diagnose sinus pathologies, or to evaluate the spine in the event of pain radiating from the cervical region.

      It is used to examine symptoms such as :

      • Vertigo, often caused by neurological abnormalities or vascular problems.
      • Epileptic seizures, to identify brain areas affected by abnormal electrical discharges.
      • Changes in thinking or behavior, often associated with neurodegenerative pathologies or tumors.
      • Blurred vision or visual disturbances, which may indicate damage to the optic nerves or visual cortex.
      • Chronic headaches, to detect underlying causes such as aneurysms, tumors or inflammation.
      • Sudden memory loss, a potential indicator of diseases such as Alzheimer's or other neurological disorders.

      These symptoms may also be linked to specific contraindications requiring in-depth exploration. MRI, thanks to its precision and ability to produce images in successive slices, is an essential tool for diagnosing these pathologies.

      How is an MRI of the head performed?

      A brain MRI scan generally lasts between 15 and 20 minutes. Before the examination, you'll need to undress and put on an examination gown. The radiology technician will then install you in the machine. You'll lie on a table, with a special antenna placed at the level of your head to capture precise images.

      Exam positioning and procedure

      During the examination, the patient lies on a table that moves slowly inside the machine's tunnel. In specific cases, such as for patients who have difficulty remaining immobile, or for procedures such as punctures, local or general anesthesia may be administered. Images are obtained in successive slices, offering a detailed and precise view of brain structures.

      Analysis and follow-up

      Each stage of the examination is rigorously controlled to guarantee reliable results. Once the images have been analyzed, further examinations may be recommended to refine the diagnosis if necessary. Brain MRI plays an essential role in neuroradiology, and is a key tool in imaging departments for identifying a wide range of pathologies.


      RDV IRM en ligne

      Make an appointment for an ultrasound scan at one of our centers:

      MRI Bachaumont 75002

      IRM Clinique du Sport 75009

      Pôle Santé Bergère 75009

      IRM Clinique Blomet 75015

      What is functional MRI?

      Functional MRI (fMRI) is an advanced technique for identifying active areas of the brain. It uses variations in blood flow and metabolic activity to map brain regions responsible for specific functions such as speech, language and body movement.

      This examination is particularly useful prior to brain surgery. For example, it enables us to pinpoint the areas to be avoided during surgery in order to preserve the patient's essential functions.

      In addition, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is often performed to examine cerebral blood vessels in detail. This enables the detection of abnormalities such as arterial stenoses or malformations, thus aiding accurate diagnosis and optimal management.

      Cerebral MRI is a safe, effective and essential examination for diagnosing numerous pathologies of the central nervous system. Thanks to its exceptional visualization capabilities, it helps to improve treatments and optimize patient care.

      Pourquoi ai-je besoin de pratiquer une IRM Cérébrale ?

      Brain MRI is used to diagnose a wide range of pathologies, including stroke, where it can pinpoint the precise location of affected areas of the brain and assess the extent of damage.

      It also detects brain infections such as meningitis or encephalitis, as well as abnormalities such as tumors or cysts. Hemorrhages, swelling of brain tissue and malformations of arteries or veins can also be identified. This examination is also useful for detecting renal complications linked to systemic pathologies or invasive treatments.

      MRI can reveal vascular anomalies such as aneurysms or necessary embolisations, as well as lesions characteristic of multiple sclerosis or hydrocephalus, an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid. It is also used to evaluate vertebral joints or other segments of the human body, such as the pelvis or abdomen, when these areas are implicated in neurological disorders.

      In addition, this examination can be used to monitor the evolution of pathologies and assess post-surgical consequences, as in the case of implanted prostheses or other medical devices.

      Quels sont les risques et contre-indications d’une IRM cérebrale ?

      Étant donné que l’IRM cérébrale n’utilise pas de radiations, il n’y a aucun risque d’exposition aux radiations ionisantes pendant l’examen.

      En raison de l’utilisation d’un aimant puissant, notamment chez les patients ayant certains dispositifs implantés (comme des stimulateurs cardiaques ou des implants cochléaires), il est important de prendre des précautions particulières lors de la réalisation d’une IRM du cerveau. Le technicien en IRM aura besoin de certaines informations à propos de votre dispositif implanté, telles que la marque et le modèle, pour déterminer s’il est sécuritaire de réaliser une IRM. Les patients ayant des objets métalliques internes, tels que des clips chirurgicaux, des plaques, des vis ou des treillis métalliques, peuvent ne pas être éligibles pour une IRM cérebrale.

      Si vous avez des préoccupations liées à la claustrophobie, vous pouvez demander à votre médecin de vous prescrire un médicament contre l’anxiété à prendre avant l’examen. Il est également conseillé d’avoir quelqu’un pour vous conduire à la maison après l’IRM.

      Si vous êtes enceinte ou suspectez l’éventualité d’une grossesse, vous devez en informer votre professionnel de santé. À ce jour, il n’y a aucune information indiquant que l’IRM soit nuisible à un enfant à naître, cependant, les tests d’IRM pendant le premier trimestre sont déconseillés.

      Un médecin peut prescrire l’utilisation d’un produit de contraste pendant certains examens IRM afin de permettre au radiologue de mieux visualiser les tissus internes et les vaisseaux sanguins sur les images obtenues. En cas d’utilisation du contraste, il existe un risque de réaction allergique. Les patients allergiques ou sensibles au produit de contraste ou à l’iode doivent en informer le radiologue ou le technicien.

      Il peut exister d’autres risques en fonction de votre état de santé particulier. Assurez-vous de discuter de toute préoccupation avec votre médecin avant l’examen.


      FAQ sur l’IRM du cerveau


      Dans quelles conditions une IRM du cerveau avec produit de contraste est-elle recommandée ?

      Les IRM avec contraste sont particulièrement utiles pour diagnostiquer des problèmes liés au cerveau et à la colonne vertébrale, tels que la sclérose en plaques, les tumeurs cérébrales et les anévrismes cérébraux.

      Est-ce que votre corps entier entre dans la machine pour une IRM cérébrale ?

      Dans la plupart des cas, seul votre tête entre dans le tunnel de la machine IRM si vous passez une IRM de la tête ou du cerveau. Le reste de votre corps reste généralement à l’extérieur de l’appareil. Cependant, si vous devez passer une IRM de tout le corps, cela impliquera l’entrée de tout votre corps dans le tunnel.

      Combien de temps dure une IRM cérébrale ?

      Une IRM cérébrale prend généralement entre 30 minutes et 1 heure. Cela peut durer plus longtemps si une injection de produit de contraste est utilisée pour améliorer la visibilité des structures cérébrales.
      Le temps exact dépendra de la raison spécifique de votre examen, et votre médecin pourra vous fournir une estimation plus précise en fonction de votre situation.

      Dernière mise à jour: le 15 décembre 2024
      Controlled by Dr Françoise Heran
