Pelvic MRI: a precise diagnosis of the pelvis
L’IRM (Imagerie par résonance magnétique) pelvienne au sein du pôle femme, mère et enfant
What is a pelvic MRI?
A Pelvic MRI is an X-ray-free gynecological examination that explores the entire pelvic anatomy: ovaries, uterus, bladder and rectum. It is a second-line examination, generally performed after a pelvic ultrasound to clarify or confirm a diagnosis made during the ultrasound examination.
Why have a pelvic MRI?
Pelvic MRI detects the following pathologies or abnormalities:
- Endometriosis
- Pelvic pain
- Uterine malformation
- Fertility assessment
- Uterine malformation
- Bladder pathology
- Rectal Pathology
- Kystes aux ovaires: L’IRM pelvienne est souvent pratiquée pour approfondir l’évaluation des kystes observés lors d’autres examens comme l’échographie. L’IRM pelvienne permet souvent de classer les kystes ovariens et autres lésions dans des catégories de risque de cancer.
- PCOS = Polymicrocystic ovary syndrome
- Hydrosalpinx
- Uterine fibroids
- Uterine adenomyosis
- Uterine polyps
- Ovarian tumor / Uterine tumor
A specialized variant of dynamic pelvic MRI, the defeco MRIThis can be particularly useful after surgery or to explore specific disorders of the pelvis (pelvic static disorders).
Is pelvic MRI really effective?
It is an excellent morphological examination that explores all the organs of the pelvis. Its contribution is irreplaceable in certain circumstances, such as endometriosis, for which the MRI is the only imaging test that provides a complete assessment.
What is pelvic pain?
It's pain felt in the pelvic region, i.e. the lower abdomen. Pelvic pain generally affects the uterus, bladder and rectum. The pain may be dull, intermittent or acute.
When does pelvic pain become chronic?
When it is spontaneous or provoked, cyclical or not, and has been occurring for more than six months. If the pain is severe, we recommend that you consult a doctor. In most cases, medical imaging such as thePelvic MRI is requested to identify the causes of pelvic pain.
What is endometriosis?
Endometriosis is characterized by the presence of endometrium outside the uterus. The endometrium is the inner layer of the uterus. There are three types of endometriosis:
- Ovaries with endometrioma nodules on the ovaries
- Peritoneal, where a multitude of endometriosis lesions can be found all over the peritoneum
- Deep sub-peritoneal, which can be found mainly in the genital partitions
What are the symptoms of endometriosis?
Most of the time, endometriosis causes painful symptoms that need to be treated:
- Pain during menstruation
- Pain during intercourse
- Fertility disorders
- Digestive disorders (diarrhea, constipation, discomfort, bloating)
The specialists in the women, mothers and children department are there to reassure you and provide you with the most appropriate follow-up to diagnose the reason for the pelvic pathology. Finally, this is possible thanks to the qualifications of our medical staff and the resources put in place with highly advanced machines such as the MRI or scanner.
Pelvic MRI Appointment
Make an appointment for a pelvic MRI at one of our centers:
MRI Bachaumont 75002
IRM Pôle Santé Bergère 75009
MRI Blomet 75015
How is a pelvic MRI performed at our center?
This examination takes place in a tunnel, with the patient lying on her back. The special feature of our center is that the tunnel is semi-open, making it easy for claustrophobic patients to pass through. Our specialist will guide you throughout the examination.
What are the examination stages?
- The radio technician will call you into the waiting room, to seat you in the preparation booth.
- You are asked to remove all metallic objects (including piercings). Your bra must be removed, and you must remain in your underwear and T-shirt during the examination.
- You will then be taken to the MRI machine room to lie down on the examination table.
- Once you are lying down, you will be fitted with an antenna, i.e. a plate to collect the signal.
- Après vous être rhabillée, vous retournerez en salle d’attente. Le médecin radiologue vous appellera dans les 20 mn pour vous donner une 1ere interprétation des résultats IRM pelvienne..
- You will leave with the cliches (paper and CD). The report is either given to you or can be downloaded from our website.
It's important for you to know that the technician performs the examination, but the radiologist is permanently behind him or her to conduct the examination.
What should I do to ensure that my pelvic MRI is optimal?
Dans la mesure du possible, il faut être à jeun pendant 4 à 6 heures avant l’examen, ne pas vider la vessie juste avant l’examen et ne pas avoir à boire de liquide particulier. L’examen nécessite également une préparation rectale. Si vous êtes dans l’incapacité de le faire, vous pourrez en discuter, sans aucune contrainte, avec l’un de nos médecins avant la réalisation de l’examen. Il est recommandé d’effectuer un lavement évacuateur avant IRM pelvienne, de préférence 1 à 3 heures avant l’examen si possible. Bien que ce lavement puisse être désagréable, il n’est pas strictement nécessaire, mais il est vivement conseillé car il facilite une meilleure observation des parois rectales potentiellement touchées par l’endométriose.
Examination time
The examination lasts between 20 and 40 minutes, depending on the pathology to be explored. Sometimes, an intravenous injection of contrast (Gadolinium) may be performed. This is decided by the radiologist once the examination has begun.
Is pelvic MRI risky?
Pelvic MRI is safe. There is no radiation, and magnetic fields or radio waves pose no long-term risk. After an MRI examination, you can return to your usual diet and activities. Follow-up care is a key element of your treatment. If you have any doubts, our doctors are here to help.
Absolute contraindications
- Presence of a pacemaker
- Recently fitted implants (especially hearing aids)
IRM pelvienne témoignage pendant la grossesse
Les examens d’IRM ne présentent aucun risque avéré pour les femmes enceintes (après le 1er trimestre) ou les enfants à naître. Au cours des 30 dernières années, des milliers de femmes enceintes ont subi des examens IRM et aucun effet nocif connu pour le bébé n’a été constaté.
FAQs on pelvic MRI
Is pelvic MRI painful?
No, the procedure is completely painless. The only requirement is to remain motionless during the imaging process.
Should I fast before an MRI?
Fasting may be necessary if a contrast medium is used, but your doctor will give you specific instructions depending on your case.
Is pelvic MRI safe?
Yes, MRI scans are very safe, as they do not use radiation. However, patients with certain implants or medical conditions should consult their doctor beforehand.
What is the significance of abnormal findings following pelvic MRI in women?
Abnormal results in women may suggest:
- Cervical, endometrial or ovarian cancer
- Adenomyosis, when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus attaches to the muscular wall of the uterus.
- Congenital malformations of the reproductive organs
- Endometriosis, when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus develops outside it, in areas such as the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
- Ovarian growth
- Structural problems of the reproductive organs
- Uterine fibroids, non-cancerous growths on the uterus
Dernière mise à jour: le 21/01/2025
Dr Anne Elodie Millischer