Sample privacy policy

1. Data controller and data protection officer

      • Identity and contact details of the data controller

Your personal data (hereinafter "your Data") is processed by IMPC, whose registered office is located at 12 rue Bachaumont - 75002 PARIS.

IMPC processes your Data in its capacity as data controller.

      • Contact details for the Data Protection Officer (DPO)

If you have any questions about the collection and processing of your Data by IMPC, you can contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) by e-mail at the following address


2. For what purposes is your Data processed?

The personal data we collect and process about you allows us to :

  • [Process your requests for appointments via the contact forms available on our Site;
  • Respond to your requests for information via the contact forms available on our Site;
  • Allow you to browse our Site;
  • Provide information on the medical services provided by IMPC;
  • Allow you to use your personal online account to access your medical results.
  • Drawing up statistics ;

3. On what basis is your Data processed?

Goals Legal basis
Process your requests for appointments via the contact forms available on our Site Legitimate interest
Respond to your requests for
information via the contact forms available on our Site
Allow you to browse our Site Consent Legitimate interest
Provide information on the medical services provided by IMPC; Legitimate interest
Enable the use of your personal online account to access your medical results Contract
Article 9.2.h (health data)
Drawing up statistics Consent Legitimate interest


4. Are you required to provide your Data?

Data essential to IMPC for the purposes described above are indicated by an asterisk on the forms. If you do not fill in these mandatory fields, we will not be able to process your request.

Data not marked with an asterisk is optional. They enable us to process appointment requests more efficiently.

5. How long will your Data be kept?

Your Data is kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.

6. To whom is your Data transmitted?

Your Data is communicated or transmitted only to persons who need to know it, namely :


Internal recipients External recipients
- Within IMPC, access to your Data is strictly limited to the defined and limited number of persons who need to know it in order to carry out the aforementioned purposes.
  • External service providers to whom IMPC subcontracts the management of certain activities, acting on the basis of contractual provisions.
  • Recipients outside IMPC, such as government agencies or authorities, or external consultants, who may act in the capacity of Data Controller.
  • Google, for statistical audience measurement (see Google privacy policy [link])

7. Is your Data transferred outside the European Union?

IMPC transfers your Data to countries outside the European Union. Where the country to which your Data is transferred does not ensure an adequate level of data protection, IMPC has put in place the necessary safeguards to ensure the protection of your Data.

IMPC transfers your Data to countries outside the European Union. When the country to which your Data is transferred does not ensure an adequate level of data protection, IMPC has put in place the necessary safeguards to ensure the protection of data. protection of your Data.

IMPC transfers your Data to the countries outside the European Union listed belowbelow. When the country in question does not provide a level of protection for

IMPC has put in place the necessary safeguards to ensure the security of its data. protection of your Data.

Country  Suitability decision
Warranties  How can I obtain a copy of the warranties? 
United States YES DFP

8. What are your rights?

You have the right to access the Data concerning you, the right to request its rectification, deletion or portability, as well as the right to request the limitation of the processing of your Data, to withdraw your consent and to define directives on the fate of your Data after your death.

You also have the option of objecting at any time:
- For reasons relating to your particular situation, processing based on the legitimate interests of IMPC ;

These rights may be exercised at any time by contacting the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority regarding the processing of your Data by IMPC. The French supervisory authority is the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), located at 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07 - France.
